3/5 stars
Category: Clitoral Pump
Scarlet Says
“If adult toys could perform convincing oral sex, some relationships could face redundancy. Scarily, this toy almost does the job. One end fits over your clit and vibrates, while the other end has a squeezy pump so you can add suction. With a hefty dollop of lube and tightly closed eyes, it feels close to the real deal, but using the pump gets tiring – imagine repeatedly squeezing a stress ball for however long it takes you to come. When there’s an automatic version, this will be the ultimate sex toy.”
The Almost Perfect Oral Simulator
This two-in-one toy features a vibrating cup that fits snugly over your clitoris while a manual pump lets you control the suction. With plenty of lube and a little imagination, it’s a shockingly good imitation of dead good head.
The Berman Center Selene Clitoral Pump comes impressively close to the real thing, offering a mix of vibration and suction designed to stimulate the clit in a way that feels tantalisingly real.
The Catch? Your Hand Might Cramp First
The only drawback is the manual pump. Repeatedly squeezing it to maintain suction gets tiring fast; think of it like using a stress ball whilst going at a marathon masturbation session. While the sensations are fantastic, the effort involved might have you wishing for the real deal.
The Happy Finish
For those who love the oral sex, the Selene Clitoral Pump is a decent option, just be prepared to put in some work. If they ever release a hands-free, motorised version, we might just be looking at the ultimate sex toy for women.